by Asier Hernando Malax-Echevarria
Born in Bilbao (Spain), since he finished his studies he has spent his life especially in Latin America, although before that he also lived in Angola and Australia. When he started in the cooperation they told him that he had a more political profile than a technical one, so, before assuming management roles at Oxfam, he dedicated himself to campaign work in Latin America, especially in support of social movements. He has always encouraged collaboration and learning with Asia and Africa. He is founder and director of The Sherwood Way.
It is an open secret. Many of us who dedicate our lives to working in development organisations recognise that, while being more crucial than ever, their need to transform is now undeniable if they want to continue contributing to the enormous challenges of the current context.
The pandemic, climate change and the debate on decolonisation have been triggers for many years of simmering reflection that we need to address in order to avoid the boiled frog syndrome in the sector. Many NGOs are already part of this transformation and we must follow their lead.
Because the criticisms no longer come from outside, they come from those whom the international development community claims to support, from civil society in the global South itself.
They are calling for a greater commitment to the deepest causes of poverty and inequality, to stop piling on the bureaucracy that stifles them and, above all, for a better distribution of power within the sector.
It is precisely for this reason that The Sherwood Way was born. We aim to contribute to the transformation of the international development sector in order to adapt to the enormous challenges of the current context. It is a space for reflection, learning and collaboration for NGOs and social organisations where we can debate, learn, share and act. It will be a global initiative, bringing together voices from different parts of the world, where we hope yours too can be included.
For our launch, we began, naturally, by listening to some of the most respected global voices on this debate. They write from academia, social movements, as part of some of the world’s largest NGOs, and from all walks of life.
They all share a common message. «Two decades ago it was obvious that the development community was needed. Today it is not, at least not as it currently stands. This is a time of change, doubt and uncertainty that should not be taken advantage of by those who believe that development aid should be cancelled», says Chema Vera.
As for how to address them, Amitabh Behar recommends «a combination of imagination and a return to the founding pillars of NGOs. Seeing development in today’s times not as a decontextualised professional and technocratic intervention, but as part of the broader socio-economic and political battle to build a just, equitable and sustainable future». In these battles, NGOs must show solidarity and take sides with the most marginalised and disadvantaged communities.
There are four areas in which we as a sector propose to take firm steps. The first is the need for a better distribution of power in the development community, very much connected to decolonisation; the second, its de-bureaucratisation and donor dependency; the third, the introduction of feminist principles; and fourth, its contribution to more systemic changes and engagement with communities.
Fatema Z. Sumar encourages the sector to «consider its internal operations – in a world where borders and boundaries are less relevant, NGOs can think differently about how they operate, their size and physical infrastructure». Technology allows for more cost-effective structural solutions that would, in turn, reduce donor dependency. More political and more operational thinking must surely go hand in hand.
And how do we intend to continue?
Each month, we will address a theme that will be announced in advance and we will gather different voices, tools, examples and debates to help us move forward. These will then remain open to continue exploring and sharing knowledge. The theme will be chosen by the editorial committee, based on what you tell them is of most interest to your work.
We also know that we are not discovering the lukewarm water,
we are joining in with the reflection that many are already making and which inspires us,
the NGO coordinators, universities and within the organisations themselves. We will seek alliances from different parts of the world, we will bring in many voices from the South and we welcome the development community that thinks and feeds from academia, and we will be close to both.
Two further important issues.
Firstly, there will also be room for a sense of humour in this space. We know that some people think that changing the world is a very serious thing to do, and we know that this is not a sector that has traditionally taken criticism very well. We ask you to bear with us, as there will be doses of both.
The second is about the name, The Sherwood Way. Yes, it is the forest of Robin Hood, who took money from the rich to give to the poor, because we believe that the international development community should address inequality. It is also a forest in England, for a project that we conceived in Latin America and Africa. The reason is that we wanted to avoid new paternalisms, the change in this case must take place in the North, and it is in England where the first and most emblematic NGOs began and which must therefore make this transformation.
Welcome to the Sherwood Band.
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I learned about The Sherwood Way because my friend Nicolás Pichazaca told me about the course he wants to participate in, “Decolonization & ONG.” Intriguing. It is only the cost that holds him back.
These are themes Nicolás and I have talked about over the years in our struggle to find funding and technical assistance for the farming association Mushuk Yuyay Nicolás founded in 1994. Over the years, the association has grown slowly to address the needs of the Kichwa Kañari community of southern Ecuador, but without being co-opted by outside visions. First they broke free of the haciendas, the from the Green Revolution, and now are free to be true to “la cosmovisión andina.” They welcome the participatory research conducted by the McKnight Foundation and by Dr. Kevin Murphy of Washington State University. They work with a wide variety of people who can contribute positively to their efforts.
Over the years I have corresponded with many NGOs that claimed to know exactly what we needed and how to solve the problems. They didn’t. Nicolás refers to what Mushuk Yuyay does as “Desarrollo endógeno.” Entirely community based. With the roots (Sapi, in Kichwa) in the dreams and desires of the community.
When I was in the Peace Corps in Ecuador in 1967 to 1969, we chose a non-directive approach. The ideas and initiatives came from the hearts and minds of the campesino people. Lino Pichasaca, a community leader at the time, emphasized that the Kañari youth need to be educated and prepared to be experts who lead the community into the future. Otherwise, the results would not be in their interest.
Nicolás was one of the young people Lino pointed to, and he has become the agricultural and development expert to lead the Kichwa Kañari into a stable and equitable future according to their needs and wishes.
For these reasons I am interested in the work of The Sherwood Way, though Robin Hood was not a campesino, nor did he bring about systematic change. But according to the story, his heart was in the right place, and that’s what counts.
Alan, thank you for sharing your experiences with us. The commitment to meaningful change demonstrated by both you and Nicolás is clear. Your insights enrich our understanding of the importance of genuine intentions in fostering systemic change. It’s essential for us that experts, social movements, and NGOs directly share their real experiences in the course. This is key to understanding the concrete barriers that still impede us from achieving real change.